Opening Hours

Add restaurant hours
  1. Go to the home screen by clicking on the home icon in the bottom nav bar.

  2. Click on the "Edit restaurant hours" button located in the center of the home screen.

  3. You will be redirected to the restaurant hours page.

  4. On the left side of your screen, you will see the weekdays.

  5. Tap on any weekday to manage the timing for that day.

  6. For example, if you choose Sunday, you will see the Restaurant status toggle button, which is set to "closed" by default.

  7. Tap it to open your restaurant on that weekday.

  8. You will then be provided with two timing boxes, the first for opening time and the second for closing time.

  9. Tap on the first box to configure the opening time and the second box to configure the closing time.

  10. To add a divided time section, tap on the "add more" button, which will add two new boxes.

  11. Repeat the above steps to add additional timing. Similarly, you can add timing for other weekdays.

Close restaurant for uncertain times
  1. Go to the home screen by clicking on the home icon in the bottom nav bar.

  2. You can find Restaurant status toggle button in center of home page, and tap it to toggle open and close status.

  3. The green color indicates you are open and red indicates you are closed.

Stop taking orders
  1. Go to the home screen by clicking on the home icon in the bottom nav bar.

  2. You can find the Taking Order toggle button in the center of the home page.

  3. Tap it to toggle the status.

  4. The green color indicates you are taking orders and the red indicates you are currently not taking orders.

Last updated