Website Content

Setup Website Content

To set up your website content, first, you need to visit your account tab by clicking on the account icon in the bottom bar and following the given steps:

  1. Go to the "My Website" section.

  2. If you have purchased our service through our Hyteno website, you can directly access this premium feature. But if not, we got your back, on clicking my website section you are given the option to select a plan.

  3. Select a plan that suits your need and click purchase and confirm the maintenance fee amount.

  4. After payment is verified, you will be redirected to Content Management Section (CMS) where you will have the following options to manage your website.

Info Section
  1. Billing info: You must enter your billing information, including your restaurant name and address. TVA is an optional field.

  2. General info: In the general information section, you must enter both your email address and contact details.

  3. Social Links: The social links section allows you to add your social profile links, redirecting your users to your profiles. These fields are not mandatory.

  4. Website logo Text: Please enter the text you would like to appear as your website logo.

  5. Website logo: If you have a custom logo for your business, you may upload it in this section. This is not a mandatory field, so don't worry if you don't have one. A default logo will be provided if necessary.

  6. Map id: The map ID is the Google Maps location ID for your restaurant, which you can extract from Google Maps and paste into this field. This is a mandatory field. After you have completed setting up your website information, click save.

Web Pages

This section allows you to manage the pages in your website's navigation bar, including Home, Menu, Delivery, and Gallery.


  1. Page Title: This is the main title that will appear on the homepage in a big font. It is a required field.

  2. Page Sub Title: This is a brief description of your restaurant that will appear just below the page title on the homepage.

  3. Why us: In this section, you can customize the "Why Us" content on your website by adding a custom title, subtitle, description, and images for a slideshow that will be displayed on your homepage. Press + icon to add images of your choice.

  4. Fancy Area: This section allows you to customize the fancy area content on your website. You can add a custom title, button URL to redirect users, content description, and images of your choice.

In this section, you can add images to your menu category which will be shown on your website. Click on any category and select the image you would like for the given category


In this section, you can add your restaurant delivery partner profile link to redirect your user. It’s not a mandatory field.

Customize your restaurant profile by selecting beautiful images to showcase in your website.

Meta Info

Primary Color: Select primary color for your website

Background Color: Select a background color for your website

  1. Add your custom domain here to link your website.

  2. Press on the + icon and type your domain name and click on save.

FAQ Section

You also add Frequently Asked Questions for your restaurant.


  1. Click on the + icon at the bottom right corner.

  2. Enter the question and answer. Press on add to confirm. Press on save at the top right corner

Delete FAQ

  1. Long press on any FAQ item.

  2. A dialog box will appear to delete or cancel.

  3. Click save on the top right corner to apply the change

Offer Banner

This section allows you to add offers to your restaurant.

  1. You need to select an offer banner image by clicking on the + icon and add an offer title and subtitle.

  2. Once you have completed these steps, press the save button to confirm your changes.


This section allows you to add notices for your users.

  1. To add a notice, you need to enter a notice title and notice subtitle.

  2. Once you have completed this step, press the save button to confirm your changes.

Last updated